
If you own a DSS-1 and use a more recent version of Windows such as 2000, XP or Vista, you need to know about Omniflop. This is a very handy utility for any DSS-1 user, as it allows you to create DSS-1 floppy disks from the very extensive Omniflop sound library on this web site. It also gives you a way to back up all of your great DSS-1 disks to your PC and/or CDR. And, you can share your disk files with other DSS-1 users via the internet.

First, download Omniflop here.

Next, read the manual on How to use Omniflop with the DSS-1.

Please note that this procedure and the accompanying disk image library were created by my friend Kris. I will not be providing technical support for it, as I myself have not actually tested the software. (Apparently, being somewhat stubborn yet happy with my dedicated Win98 laptop and CopyQM, I am somewhat reluctant to change my ways.)

So, if you are having difficulty using this software or configuring it for your computer, you may contact Kris at: esynthesist at yahoo dot com.