This is a custom disk made by the author of this web site. It contains (in the author's opinion) the best acoustic piano and Fender Rhodes samples ever made for the DSS-1 - even better (I dare say it) than the piano samples from the original Korg factory disks!
      Bank A contains a fully multisampled Yamaha acoustic piano that was sampled by the website author. Eight notes of a Yamaha grand piano (A1 to A8) were sampled and transposed across the keyboard, with careful attention paid to miking and sound input quality, looping and crossfading of the sustained sound, carefully crafted 6-stage VCF and VCA envelopes to ensure realism in the decay of each note, and finally, careful tweaking of the velocity settings to ensure realism in attack velocity. Put simply, this piano sounds fantastic!
      Bank B contains a fully multisampled Fender Rhodes electric piano. This bank contains the best Rhodes samples you will find for the DSS-1. They were sampled by the website author and are far superior to anything else found in the original factory and user banks. Many of the "Dyno-My-Rhodes" style patches in this bank use the DSS-1's built in digital delay lines to achieve the chorused effect, making it sound much warmer than if it were built into the sample.
      Play these piano sounds from an 88-key weighted controller MIDI'd to the DSS-1, and you will like them even more! Better yet, load this disk into the DSM-1 rackmount sampler and you can more easily take these piano sounds to gigs and have 16-note polyphony to boot!